Retro Candies Still Selling Well Today
Is there anything better than the sweet memories of your beloved candy from when you were a kid? What were your top three? I bet you could name them in a second. Necco Wafers, Nik-L-Nip, Sugar Babies, Razzles, Abba Zabba, Moon Pies, Clove Chewing Gum or those too cool for school candy cigarettes?
Every single trip to the sweet shop or the corner store was full of joy. Nothing put a bigger smile on your face than a pocket full of change to spend on your favorites, with just enough left over for a fistful of penny sweets.
So what happened? Did we all grow out of them, or are they just too hard to find?
Retro Candies Are the Rage at Redstone
Well “have no fear, Redstone is here!” You can purchase bulk nostalgic candy brands that are still popular today and all the rage with Gen Z and Y. Redstone Foods stocks the top-selling candies spanning several decades. Our selection of vintage sweets already has a built-in customer base among adults and now they are being “discovered” in droves by younger candy lovers.
Move Over M&M’s, Skittles and Reese’s
Big name brands still sell but they are a little boring. Retro sweets make candy shopping fun! Give your customers a reason to come more often. New “old favorites” give your customers something to talk about and compare with their friends, young and old.
Create a special space in your store to attract curiosity and incremental sales. Make your candy corner a destination to drive new traffic. Our studies show retro sweets score high on the popularity charts and indicators point to continued growth.
Re-discover Your New Greatest Hits In Vintage Candy
Necco Wafers
Necco Wafers date waaaaay back to the 1840s. From the very beginning they’ve been a fan darling and the makers have stayed true to the same recipe ever since. Now that’s old school candy! Necco Wafers pioneered many trends back then and it’s no wonder – their flavor profile began and still is, unique.
Imagine flavors like clove, wintergreen, chocolate, orange, lemon, lime and licorice all in a single pack. At Redstone Foods, we also offer a special variety of chocolate flavored Necco Wafers for those with a coco sweet tooth. One of the longest-running vintage sweets, Necco Wafers are a must-have in every sweet shop.
Remember the classic Nik-L-Nip wax bottles we loved to nip off and chew back in the day? The confectionery brand still makes those amazing wax bottles in an array of fruity and sour varieties so candy lovers can have fun trying all the flavors. The “mini drinks” were an instant favorite from the early 1900s and they continue to be a delight to this day. Not many candies out there give you the options of slurping on fruity drinks and nibbling on the chewy wax all-in-one!
The Nik-L-Nip candy is a traditional treat that continues to attract people of all ages today. You can purchase Nik-L-Nip retro candy in bulk from Redstone Foods. We stock both mini drinks bottles and stick tubes of the brand in bulk.
Candy Cigarettes
Introduced in the late 1800s, candy cigarettes were made out of bubble gum, candy chocolate, or chalky sugar. But what made them so irresistible was that they were wrapped, packaged, and branded in a way to make them look like cigarettes. Many of us can recall the days when candy cigarettes were everywhere and everyone wanted them.
Candy cigarettes are available today as well. Though they’re not called “candy cigarettes” anymore, they sure deliver the same kind of naughty delight they did back then even if they’re referred to as candy sticks or bubble gum. The good news is Redstone Foods stocks the top selling brands and you can purchase them in bulk from our store.
Moon Pies
This popular American confection needs no introduction. Moon pies continue to be one of the most popular vintage sweets across the United States, though they are more often associated with the American South. The Chattanooga Bakery started making moon pies in 1917 and has been making these little delights daily ever since!
The traditional moon pie consists of two round graham cookies with marshmallow filling in the center. Today, moon pies are available in multiple flavors, such as strawberry and chocolate. Several brands have come up with products similar to Moon Pies, but the wonder of relishing these original retro sweets has never faded. You can purchase your lot of this nostalgic candy in bulk at Redstone Foods today!
Clove Chewing Gum
One of the most popular chewing gums flavored with cloves, Clove Gum was first manufactured by the Thomas Adams Company in 1914. Fun Fact: In those days, people used to chew on this strong-smelling gum to cover the smell of alcohol during the prohibition era. Nonetheless, Clove Gum was extremely popular among people of all ages because of its unique and subtle spiciness.
Clove Chewing Gum is not just one of America’s oldest candy brands but also the first of its kind to use chicle – a resin from the sarsaparilla tree – as its main base. The unique chewable treat is the longest-running brand of its kind in the market and continues to remain in demand. You can buy them in bulk from our ‘Nostalgia Gums in Display’ Section at the online candy store of Redstone Foods.
The Love for Vintage Never Gets Old!
The growing number of “kidults” has brought into the limelight several trends, products, and practices of the days gone by, including vintage sweets. People want to revisit their childhood and retro sweets offer the perfect way to take a trip down memory lane.
The variety, the uniqueness and the unexpected delight provided by vintage sweets also attracts younger customers looking for something new and different. This is a good time for you to consider stocking your sweet shop with some of the most loveable retro candy that is still selling well today – we, at award-winning Redstone Foods, would be glad to help!